2 Weeks of Creatine (Check-in)

This is my 2 week check-in after taking Creatine daily everyday for the last 14 days. I will say compared to last week I feel that I am more bloated. Last week I felt very lean (even though I was on my period!) I was sitting at around 126lbs. This week I look and feel bloated and am sitting at around 129lbs. Although, I believe I read somewhere that it takes about 2 weeks to fully “saturate” your muscles with the Creatine. So it would make sense that I wouldn’t just be holding water weight in my muscles, but everywhere. It will be interesting to see if it goes away in the coming weeks. My muscles do look ever so slightly bigger than last week.

Still no “side affects” that I have noticed, however, I will say that if you intake a lot of protein and understand the flatulence that comes with it, I feel that Creatine has made it even worse. My husband said that I need to be open with how it has affected me in that way so woman can warn their husbands LOL. But other than that I continue to have more energy during my trainings and through out the day. I have about another month left of taking Creatine and am excited what I can achieve/improve in the coming weeks!


3 Weeks of Creatine (Check-in)


1 Week of Creatine (Check-in)