About Me (Cont.)

During my time with the Navy (2013-2017) I was a command fitness leader and also discovered my passion for lifting. I taught myself how to properly use equipment in the gym and slowly built my confidence. It wasn’t until 2020 that I started to take my fitness routine and nutrition seriously. In 2022 I became pregnant and continued to workout as much as my body would allow me. Once I had my son and was cleared by my midwife, I got back into training!

In 2023 I earned my Certified Personal Trainer Certification with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). I hope to teach my clients what I have learned over the years to help them look and feel more confident about their body!

January 2023

September 2023

13 Months Postpartum

5 Months Postpartum

A little about my own body journey:

Prior to my wedding in September 2021 I was able to get my dream body with 6 months of consistent lifting & strict diet. Shortly after our wedding I got pregnant in December 2021 with my first child. I had no nausea & continued lifting weights daily. At 7 weeks I got COVID, I felt super weak my energy was low, and my morning sickness kicked in full force! Sadly, I just couldn’t get back into lifting through my pregnancy. I did however, do one physical therapy session & chiropractic adjustment a week to keep me moving.

I gave birth to my son Liam in August of 2022, I gained roughly 30-35lbs during my pregnancy. As soon as I was cleared at my 6 week follow up I got back into the gym & went when I could. It wasn’t until January 2023 that I got back into weight training “consistently”. I can proudly say that I achieved my goal of getting my body back to my pre-baby & pre-wedding figure. It wasn’t quick, and it wasn’t easy, but it’s doable!