
Calorie Calculator

Calorie Calculator

Target Calories:





  • Activity Levels - This is your OVERALL activity throughout the day. So if you’re working out 4-6 times a week, but work a sedentary job (ie. sitting at a desk 6-8 hours) then your activity level is only Lightly to Moderately active. However, if you are working out 4-6 times a week & have an active job (manual labor or on your feet getting over 10,000 steps a day) then you are in the Very active category.

  • Calorie Targets - For Losing weight your results have a 350 calorie deficit built in (recommended is 200-500 for weight loss). For Maintenance calories if you ate at this number your weight would remain the same. For Gaining weight the results have an added 350 calories built in (recommended 300-500 for weight gain).
